Thursday, September 30, 2010

Lessons From the Lions Den

On the days when nothing seems to be going right, most people turn to the book of Job. I like to read about Daniel.

Daniel is a righteous man and his enemies find no fault in him. The only way they can get at him is by trying to attack his devotion to God. I mean they knew they couldn't make him stop serving the Lord, so they figure they would trap him in his service. Now you know Daniel is only human and somewhere in his mind he has to be thinking,"I don't get this, God. I have served you all these years. I have prayed and worshiped you even when it was against the law. Now for all of my faithfulness, I am being thrown in the lions den?" Personally I wish that there was a little more info at this point in the scripture. I mean, when exactly did the angel come and shut the mouths of the lions? Was it instantly or did Daniel have to be in the den for a while? I can see it now, the lions are circling him ready to pounce when at the last minute, there was God standing in glorious light saying, "you are not allowed to devour him! Back off and close your mouths!" I personally like the last of the 2 scenarios.

Daniel, a mighty man of God, is thrown into a pit of lions. It is dark because it is a den and there is a stone rolled in front of the entrance. The smell of human remains and lion poop is almost to strong to stand. In fact, he can probably hear the sound of the lions still chomping on a bone or sharpening their claws on something. Then they begin to encircle him, taunting him, playing with their food as any good member of the feline family would. This taunting and encircling could have gone on for hours. Seriously, have you watched a cat play with its food? Just about the time they are getting ready to pounce, God bursts in on the scene! And though He could have chosen to kill the animals, remove the stone from the den, and completely set him free, He didn't. Instead, He shut the mouth of the devourer and left Daniel there till morning.

Daniel was still there in the den with the lions, the stink, and the filth. The word doesn't say that God made the lions all cuddly and friendly. It only says that He shut their mouths. I'm sure Daniel must have had a little peace at this point. I mean God had just stepped in and saved his life. But, don't you think he had to have been wondering when or if he was actually going to get out? Scripture doesn't say that the Lord spoke to him and told him that he would be getting out of there by morning. Did Daniel know that King Darious had been up all night long too? I'm sure he had to have been wondering if anyone would even come to check on him and see if he was still alive. Was he gonna have to stay there until they were feeding someone else to the lions? After all, the King had placed his seal on the stone. The NIV says in Daniel 6:17 that he did this "so that Daniel's situation might not be changed". The enemy wanted to keep Daniel in the pit. He didn't want Daniel's situation to ever change. But Daniel did trust God. He knew somehow, some day he would be delivered. Then morning came. Around the cracks of the stone, the slightest bit of light begins to seep through. And what is that sound? Is it footsteps and people talking? Yes! I believe it is the voice of the King! He is asking if I am ok. Sure king, I'm still alive! God has shut the mouth of the lions. They haven't hurt me. The smell down here is really bad though. Can I get out now?

Ok so it didn't happen quite like that. Know this though, light is beginning to seep through the cracks. Footsteps and voices, though far off, are getting closer. It won't be long now before we are lifted out of the den. The stench and darkness will fade. The sun and fresh air will overtake us. Our enemies will be thrown into the pit and devoured. And just like in Daniel 6:25-28, we will prosper and even those around us will be blessed and delivered and come to know of God's greatness. Don't lose hope!!! God never leaves us. He didn't promise that we would never be in the lions den with the stench of death around us. He does promise to be our deliverer. Don't be discouraged! Deliverance is on its way!

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