Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Story of Love

Psalm 117:1-2
Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol Him, all you peoples. For great is His love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord.

The purpose of these little devotions that I have been doing is to encourage those who are struggling. Also, I hope that someone who doesn't know about Jesus will stumble across this blog and learn about how much God loves them. This actually is my greatest hope. Being a stay at home mother of 5, doesn't give me many opportunities to interact with that many adults. Through this blog though, I can talk to hundreds of people I normally wouldn't be able to. So, today I want to share about the day that I totally gave my life to God.

I had been born and raised in church. I had wonderful Christian parents. I knew all about Jesus and gave my heart to him when I was 8 yrs old. Somehow along the way, I became more focused on myself than God. I tried so hard to do all the right things. This was done mostly for bragging rights. I should have been doing the right things because I loved God and wanted to pour my love out on Him, the way He had on me. Doing things just for myself, left me feeling empty.

When I turned 21, I decided to see if I could fill some of that emptiness with other things like parties and alcohol. I just felt worse. The worse I felt, the more I drank. The more I drank, the worse I felt. It was a never ending cycle.

The turning point came for me on New Years Day 1995. I was driving home from a party the night before. I was driving to fast and was still pretty hung over from the previous night. I came upon a railroad track and a very sharp turn. The car hit the railroad track and went airborne. In that instant I cried out to God. Miraculously, He kept the car on the road and even went through the turn. It just happened to be a Sunday. Needless to say, I was in church that night. I realized that i had made a colossal mess of my life. I was not capable of handling things on my own. I desperately needed Him to take over. I wanted to love Him the way He deserved to be loved. After all, He had loved me even when I had turned my back on Him.

In my mind I could see Him hanging on the cross looking at me. Such love and compassion were in His eyes. He was looking at me through time. He saw all I had done. He loved me and died for me anyway. How great, mighty, wonderful, awesome, compassionate, and loving He is. He wants to meet you where you are. He wants you to know the reality of His love. If you don't know Jesus personally, you can read about what He did for you in the bible. Don't have a bible? got to www.blueletterbible.org The book of Mathew chapters 27 and 28 tell about His death and resurrection. Jesus died because He loves us. He didn't stay dead though. He rose from the grave! He is alive! He wants to come into your life and help you. All you have to do is admit you need Him. Admit that on your own you are going to make a mess. Admit that He is the son of God and you need Him. He will help you!

Thanks for letting me share my testimony. I love the cardboard testimonies that so many churches are doing. I love when God's kids can tell about the awesome things He has done. I think it would be really cool if we could do a blog testimony. I would love for you guys to tell what God delivered you from. Try to make it 5 sentences or less. You can comment on the blog or after the post on facebook. Let's see how much praise we can give God today! After you post your praise, you can click the link below the blog and put this right on your facebook page. Let's see how many people we can get to share. Love you all and God bless.

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