Our business is beginning to pick up. More people have heard about us and are beginning to stop by the shop. As people are waiting to have their phones activated, Robert will try to carry on a conversation. The topic lately has been if they are ready for Thanksgiving. Out of all the people who have been asked this question, I have not heard one yet who has replied in a positive way. Most of them just say,"No!" There is no other comment, just that one word and a stare. Their eyes however, speak volumes. It is a look of pain, defeat, frustration, and dread.
I know that there has always been hurting and struggling people, ever since Adam and Eve sinned in the garden. Maybe, this is the first year that I have really been able to see others pain. So many times we get so caught up in our own lives and struggles that we miss the people passing by that we could help. Each of us has something that we can give to help someone else in need. We can give of ourselves. Maybe we could rake leaves for an elderly neighbor, bake cookies for someone who lost their job, or sing for a family who is spending the holidays in the hospital.
The most important thing we can do is share the love of Jesus. Each of us can do that and it is free. Jesus if the only true gift that keeps giving. He never leaves us no matter what. With so many people hurting, now is the time for us to share God's love. Luke 10:2 tells us that, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field." People need to know that they are loved. We need to tell them.
Lord help us not to act like Christians have some perfect life. Help us to be transparent and share our battle scars. Those who are still walking through battles need to know that You are faithful and will help them through. Help us not to be so focused on ourselves and our struggles that we miss the great harvest in front of us. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness and love. Thank you that You never leave us.
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