Friday, December 2, 2011

Water Works

Wow has it ever been one of those weeks! I think I have literally cried a river! As most of you probably know, I tend to cry alot anyway. I cry when I am happy or sad. Sometimes I cry just for no reason. This past week I cried when Thanny came out of surgery and looked up at me with those big blue/green eyes and said, "Mama! I Love you!" I mean seriously, who wouldn't cry after that? This precious little 3 year old calling out to his mama even though he is in pain, just to tell me he loves me. Wow! I have also cried with him this week when he has been hurting really bad. Understandably he has had several really hard days. Yesterday was one of them. Though he has stood up and even walked a little, he prefers to be carried. So, I cry some more because my heart breaks a little everytime he reaches his hands up for me to carry him somewhere.

I cried during Thanksgiving over family drama. I hate when people totally misunderstand me and become offended by stuff that was not meant to be offensive. I like for people to get along and feel loved. I absolutely hate family drama! I also seriously missed my daddy and all my family back in GA. What can I say? I have always been a daddy's girl. This year being away from him was very difficult. He will be turning 80 in a few months and I feel like our time together here on earth is quickly slipping away. Miss my Daddy!

Then there was an issue with one of our other children. This particular kid keeps saying things like, "it's no big deal." "I'm fine!" and, "can't you just leave me alone?" All I see though is pain. So, I fall on my face before God and pray for this child who is in pain and cry some more. God heal my kids. Take away the physical and emotional pain that they are dealing with. You love them even more than I do. So, I know that this gets Your heart too. Let them know they are not ever alone, even when they think that is what they want.

After all the crying and the drama, I was able to go to women's meeting yesterday at church. So thankful that my mother-in-law was able to come and stay with us this week and help out with the kids. She watched Nathaniel for about 2 hours so I could go to the meeting. Of course, I practically bawl through half of it. Then I was told by someone that I was a good parent and that the Lord loved me and my family. Wonder how they knew I needed to hear that? Yep, you guessed it, more water works.

Then my husband walks in last night with a small gift bag. He sets it in my lap and tells me that he was thinking about me today. Can I just say that I have the best husband ever! He consistantly reminds me that I am loved. It is more than just words though. He models God's love to me. Even on my worst days, when I have cried off all my makeup, my eyes are blood shot, and my nose looks like rudolph, this wonderful man can still make me feel beautiful and special. What was in the bag you ask; a bottle of perfume. :) And he had actually paid attention one day when I was rambling about how I prefer the fruity scents as opposed to the sweet flowery ones. I love this man so much! And of course, I cried again. :0)

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