To my beautiful Kaitlyn Marie,
I can’t believe that you are an adult and ready to go off into the world. I’m so proud of you! As you begin this new adventure in your life, there are some things I want you to know.
#1 You are the definition of TRUE BEAUTY
I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. From the moment I saw you, all I could say was “she’s so beautiful”.
The older you get, the more beautiful you become. I mean of course you are gorgeous with your petite frame, curly brown hair, and blue/green eyes that make the colors of the ocean envious. But it's more than just physical beauty that I’m talking about. It's your compassion for others. You have such a huge heart. You pour all that you have into people and relationships. You are often misunderstood for that. So many people don’t get you. That's because you are special and unique. You are not a carbon copy of anyone else. You are a masterpiece, a one of a kind original. So don’t for one second change who you are because someone doesn’t understand how to appreciate you. In stead, fall into the arms of the one who knows every little detail of your life. Run to the one who has all the answers and even knows the questions that YOU aren’t even sure how to put into words. He loves you! He never leaves you! He doesn’t judge you! He never misunderstands you! He looks at you and says, “ you are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you.” (Song of Solomon 4:7) He sees your true beauty, the depths of your soul.
#2 You can do anything
Most people look at you and because of your petite frame, they underestimate you. They have no idea how strong you really are. Sometimes I think that you don’t even realize how strong you really are. I have watched you walk through things that would crush most people. But you always make it through and somehow you manage to keep that gorgeous smile on your face. You inspire me! Honestly, there are times when I have just wanted to scream out loud, “Look what she’s done! Look how she made it through! Take notice world, she’s an overcomer!” But I just keep quiet because it isn’t my story to tell. One day when your ready though, you’ll be the one shouting it. You’ll be the one roaring it out like a lion and causing the enemy to tremble. “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony;” (Revelation 12:11) What an awesome testimony you have!
#3 I’m proud of you
I am always going to be your biggest fan. I am always going to be here for you no matter what. I am so proud of this amazing, fierce, and incredible woman you have become. So go out there and change the world! Dive head first into this wonderful life. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. And always remember that no matter where you are or what you're doing, you are always in my thoughts and prayers. I'll always be your mom and I'll always be here whenever you need me. <3 br="" nbsp=""> 3>
Love forever,
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